Saturday, December 31, 2011

Last question...

I am really enjoying the dialogue between you guys. Remember that you can take the conversation in different directions (for example: comparing these historical events to other events in history or the present day). Also I hope everyone has a happy and safe New Years Eve!

So after all your research and discussion on Napoleon: was Napoleon Bonaparte the savior or the destroyer of the ideals of the French Revolution? Be specific in your responses by citing actual examples of revolutionary ideals in effect or ideals being denied by Napoleon.

Hint: identify the ideals of the revolution first, then look at how Napoleon ruled France and his conquered territories, finally examine the lasting impact of Napoleon on Europe.

This is the toughest and most important of the questions asked. Build off of one another's responses and don't be afraid to be bold in your responses.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I want you all to continue to comment on the French Revolution, but your research should begin on Napoleon. Napoleon seized power at the end of the revolution in a famous event referred to as the Coup of Brumaire. I want you to read the description of the coup (found in the notes I printed for you labeled chapter 29 page 347), then do some research of your own (using the links I provided as well as anything you find on your own) describing about his early years and respond to the following:

1.What do you think of his seizing of power? How did he do it? Did he have help? Does it fit his reputation?

2. Describe Napoleon's early years as console. How did he change France?

3. How did Napoleon become Emperor? Then take a look at this picture and explain the significance of it:

Happy holidays!

I hope that everyone had a great holiday and is enjoying their time off! I have really been enjoying your conversations! Matt and Jacky seem to really understand what we are trying to do here. Now it's time for the rest of you to get more involved. So continue to post about the end of the French Revolution and finish your research on Napoleon, because that question will be posted later this evening. Good luck and I'll talk to you all soon.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Directions and Procedures

Holiday Blog Assignment
-Test grade
-contact me with any problems at

1. Go to
a. Sign in (upper right corner)
b. You might have to create a Gmail or yahoo account
2. You need make a minimum of 10 QUALITY posts over break
a. Must be at a minimum of 3 different sittings
b. A post consists of QUALITY commentary not necessarily quantity
c. A post can be short if it is giving us a link or a picture to observe and comment on
d. Otherwise a post needs to be at least a paragraph in length
e. NOTHING can be inappropriate or divisive in nature
3. You MUST respond to the 3 major threads that I post that will include materials to watch/listen/read
a. You may also start a thread or comment on posts that are already there
b. Feel free to disagree and discuss but do it respectfully
c. Feel free to compare and contrast to other times in history, the present day, or other subject matters
d. Be creative, imaginative, and show your intellectual curiosity

Start your research by reading:
Copied notes from AP European History Crash Course and Napoleon Chapter 29 in your packet
-Then complete one of the following:
-read pages 683-699 in your textbook
-watch the following videos

Battle Simulators

-Battle of Waterloo info
-Right hand side, use the pictures to study his life and career
-Career summary

-The PBS or the BBC documentary under Napoleon Bonaparte

The End of the French Revolution

Your first post will be in response to the conclusion of the movie and discussion in class about the French Revolution. Use the movie, your book, and any other sources to respond to the following question. Feel free to use online sources (video, audio, and text) and link them to your post.

Identify the grievances of the GROUPS that made up the Third Estate in France on the eve of the French Revolution, and analyze the extent to which ONE of these groups was able to address its grievances in the period 1789 to 1799.

HINT: This is a complex question that asks you a few things:
1. What are the groups that make up the Third Estate?
2. What are their grievances?
3. To what extent did ONE of these groups address their grievances?

Start your analysis ....

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Welcome to our blog!

This is the first time that one of my classes will be using a blog as an assignment. The blog will be our way of communicating over the break and you will all be responsible for periodically checking in and participating in an online discussion. Please be aware that I will put out some minimum requirements and ground rules as to keep the blog moving and appropriate. Also be aware that anything posted MUST abide by the rules of our school and the expectations of an AP level class. Remember that once something has been posted, there is no going back! If done correctly you will find this exercise rewarding and enjoyable.