Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Adolph Hitler

Listen and read one of the following three speeches given by Adolf Hitler. Then discuss the following questions online with your classmates. The posts need to follow the normal rules of blogging: read all the previous posts, do not repeat anything that has already been said, and let your intellectual curiosity lead the discussion. If you are not the first person to post about a specific speech, then please use the REPLY function so that there are only three threads.

1. Why is this speech so effective in motivating the people of Germany? What do you think about it (style not content)?
2. What does Hitler SPECIFICALLY (use quotes) say that would appeal to the people of Germany (given their situation after WWI)? Why?




Friday, March 23, 2012

The Great Depression in Europe

The Great Depression

You will be responsible for creating TWO posts about the Depression using your assigned country. Your posts NEED to include links or videos that support your evidence. Be sure to build off of one another’s posts and read or watch each other’s videos or links. Allow your intellectual curiosity lead the online conversations. Your group’s posts need to discuss the following topics:

1. Describe life during the Depression in your country using specific evidence and examples.

2. Indicate the methods that your country used to combat the Depression.

Monday, March 12, 2012

WWI Battles

You will be responsible for researching and discussing one of the following battles from World War I: Marne, Verdun, Somme, Gallipoli, or Jutland. If you are NOT the first to post about the battle then use the REPLY function so that the conversation is indented. Your exploration should include a link/video and the details about what made the battle unique, important aspects of the battle that made an impact on life/war, etc. Be sure to read/watch the link/video that was posted by the other people commenting on your battle. Let your intellectual curiosity guide you and include links /videos that help to expand your understanding of the battle.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Dan Carlin Podcast

For your next blog experience, I want you to listen to the following podcast:


Dan Carlin presents a very interesting set of arguments regarding the changing of the world during and after World War I. You are asked to identify and offer analysis on the theses or arguments presented. Do you agree or disagree with Dan Carlin? Follow the normal rules of our blogging: no repetition, allow your intellectual curiosity lead the discussion, and add links/videos that would enrich our knowledge of the subject.

You will be responsible for posting on at least TWO of his theses/arguments. You may either propose a thesis/argument, expand on one that has already been presented, or take the conversation in a new direction.

If you are expanding on a thesis/argument that was already presented, make sure to use the REPLY tab.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Second Balkan War

The First Balkan War

The Second Moroccan Crisis

The First Moroccan Crisis

The Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878

The Road to World War I

You have all been assigned a crisis from the late 19th or early 20th century between the major powers of Europe. All of these crises increased the tension between the nations of Europe, but a major conflict was averted due to the European system put in place after the defeat of Napoleon. You need to post at least ONCE about how your crisis developed and the way in which the major powers avoided a world war. Pay close attention to the inner workings of the European system and the relationships between the major powers. You MUST also include a link or a video that helps to increase our understanding of your point of view.