Saturday, April 7, 2012

The Cold War in Europe

I hope that you all are having a restful and enjoyable break.  Follow the directions below to complete your work for the break:

View the following videos:

Then complete the following worksheet:

Read the following page:

Post #1 (be sure to build off of one another's posts, the usual rules apply for posting, and don't forget a link/video):

In your opinion, was the Cold War inevitable? If not, was the United States or the USSR more to blame?

View the following video:

Post #2 (be sure to build off of one another's posts, the usual rules apply for posting, and don't forget a link/video): 

What event/policy during the Cold War had the biggest impact on Europe? Explain your answer.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The Eastern Front

Obviously the assignment has changed due to the lateness of my post. Unfortunately I ran into some technical difficulties so the assignment will be due on Tuesday instead of Monday.

For this assignment you have been asked to examine the Eastern Front. The war in the east was far larger and nastier than the war in the west. For this reason I want everyone to research and find something that they did not know anything about prior to this assignment. Please try and search further than the Battle of Stalingrad for a topic (although if you post early, that might be an option). Look into famous soldiers, important battles, the use of propaganda, the influence of women on the war, the atrocities by either side, etc. Be sure to include the link you analyzed and/or a video that will help the reader to understand your topic better.

After you have posted an original topic, you need to respond to someone else's post. In your response be sure to analyze the information and the link/video that has been posted.