Tuesday, January 31, 2012



  1. This one was pretty interesting.

  2. Well…. I know no one posted on this, but I was curious about Rio de la Plata because I have never heard of it before. I just wanted to point out something interesting I read about….

    I discovered that there were 4 external events that had a MAJOR impact on the political ideology in Latin America.

    1.) The American Revolution – model for colonial rebellion

    2.) The French Revolution – provided the revolutionary thoughts and ideas. Although it was rejected by elites as too radical socially and politically, the ideas would still prove to be present and a contributing factor in the formation of their unique platforms.

    3.) The slave rebellion led by Toussaint L’Ouverture on the French island of St. Domingue in 1791 – this would result in the independent republic of Haiti. The success of the slaves (minority) was frightening to the colonial elites and made them even more conservative.

    4.) French invasion of Spain and Portugal – in Spain the French deposed of the king in favor of Napoleon’s brother, Joseph. This resulted in a civil war. Creoles in Latin America declared royalty to the Spanish ruler, but began to rule the colonies themselves.

    *The website that contained this information was actually a downloadable word document and had great info.!

  3. Steph I thought that was really cool of you to research this topic even though it wasn't your topic. The American Revolution and the French revolution changed so much throughout the world. It inspired nationalistic ideals and the idea that the people can actually overthrow a corrupt government. These revolutions affected so many nations in regards of inspiring the people to get the change they want. I also thought it was super interesting that this is actually a slave revolt that turned into a revolution. It is crazy how slavery affected so many countries and aspect of history.

  4. Rio de la Plata was basically the kickoff for the liberation of latin America. Rio de la Plata is modern day Argentina and everything was started in Buenos Aires. The citizens had fought off a British invasion against Spanish commercial monopoly. This of course empowered the citizens because they felt they could fight for themselves instead of being protected by forces. In 1810 the Junta spread forces to liberate Paraguay and Uruguay from regional control. They fought hard but in the end the Junta forces were beaten, but also Spain lost control over Uruguay and Paraguay. Afterwards Paraguay asserted its own independence and Uruguay was absorbed by Brazil. Even though they were defeated, Buenos Aires was determined to liberate Peru. Peru because it was the greatest stronghold of royalist power and loyalty on the continent. Jose de San Martìn had become the leading general of the Rio de la Plata forces. He marched his troops over the Andes mountains and built a navy to take on Bernardo O'Higgins who was a supreme dictator. Within the next year San Martìn had taken over Peru and liberated them. By: Sergio Conanan

  5. From reading other posts, I realized that the American Revolution had such a huge impact. I always thought it only effected America, France, and Britain. But by learning about other countries and their fight for freedom, the American Revolution impacted many more. I find that no matter what country you're in, the bases is alwayst the same, supressed middle class/poor revolting against the rich and powerful, fighting for what they believe in. You can see it through out history, not only in this time era but in every time era. Civil Rights in America went through the same process, fighting for what you believe in and standing up to the "powerful". This is even is similar to the slave revolt on the French island of St. Domingue. Which is similar to many other revolutions in many other countries. Everyone is connected and affected.
