Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Id, Ego, Superego (old school video)

Dreams (really interesting and controversial)

Psychosexual Development (this one is a little goofy, but accurate)

Sigmund Freud

You are responsible for learning about AT LEAST two of Sigmund Freud’s theories. You need to start by watching the link I provide and then spring boarding off to other materials to help you in understanding the theory. Then start (or continue) a discussion about the theory. The theory needs to be explained in your own words and then discussed. Remember to NEVER repeat the ideas of others and build off of each other’s comments. Let your intellectual curiosity lead the discussion and also bring in other links and websites that could enhance our knowledge of the theory. You need to post AT LEAST 3 times.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Italian Unification

You will all be responsible to post at least twice about the following questions. Be sure not to repeat information and try to build off of one anothers posts. Try to post links and videos that might help to explain your point of view and allow the conversation to go where your intellectual curiosity takes you.

Discuss the motives and methods of the driving forces behind Italian unification.

German Unification

You will all be responsible to post at least twice about the following questions. Be sure not to repeat information and try to build off of one anothers posts. Try to post links and videos that might help to explain your point of view and allow the conversation to go where your intellectual curiosity takes you.

Assess the validity of the following and use evidence to prove your response: Prince Otto von Bismark could be considered Machiavelli's model of the ideal ruler in that, he was feared by his people and he used any ends to justify the tactics he used in bringing about the unification of the German states.