Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Psychosexual Development (this one is a little goofy, but accurate)


  1. I found this video to be pretty weird and it gave Sigmund Freud's views a weird twist. Sigmund Freud believed that a human's personality really begans to develop while their children and it is the things that happen to them during this time that influence their personality and life later on. His theory focused on the fact that humans go through pleasure seeking phases and if all goes well during this period in their life, they will develop into a good human being. However if they dont complete the phase properally then they will end up trapped in it till they do. The different stages are:

    Oral (0-18months) A babys dependent on the mother and they find pleasure from biting and sucking

    Anal (18 months- 3 and a 1/2 years) A baby must learn to control themselves and Freud believed the baby's pleasure had to do with the anus at this point

    Phallic (3 and a 1/2 years to 6 years) Freud believed that children had feelings for their opposite sex parent at this point and that both boys and girls were mainly focused on the males genital organ

    Latency (6 years- puberty) This is a relaxed period of time where children are not experiencing as much sexual drives

    Genital (puberty- adulthood) This phase is the last phase and it is the one of a person who has worked through all the phases and has become a well rounded individual.

  2. Probably the thing that I found most interesting in this video was how someone can get “fixated” on a certain stage at any given point if they experience too much or too little pleasure. One particular stage of fixation that was mentioned was the anal stage, which is usually the stage where children try to control themselves, according to Avary. Someone who is fixated on this stage at a later age can become anal expulsive or anal retentive. Anal expulsive is when someone is dirty and doesn’t like to be organized, probably due to the fact that they still have not developed a sense of control over their environments. Anal retentive refers to someone who is a neat freak. I believe that it makes seen that someone would become a neat freak from being fixated on this stage because the anal stage usually focuses on trying to gain control of your environment. Cleaning like crazy can be seen as you trying to take charge of your environment and making sure everything is near perfect within it. It makes sense to think that a child who starts out messy and disorganized will most likely remain that way as they grow up. Developments in a child early on may affect they way they are when they grow up it seems.

  3. This video I found to be pretty disturbing. The part that disturbed me the most was the phallic stage. As Avary said this stage is from the years 3 1/2 to 6 years. This was easily the most disturbing stage. This is where the term oedipus complex comes from. This was a period where the child would be envious of the same sex parent. They would want to be with the opposite sex parent. For boys they wanted to eliminate the threat of the father. However, they were afraid of retaliation from their father. Also, girls are the same way. They believe that the male genitals are superior. This makes the girls want to be with their fathers. They then want to eliminate their mother. I found this disturbing because children are innocent and should not be like this. Furthermore, it is like incest wanting to marry your mother or father. As seen with the Romanov's eventually someone will get a helping of hemophilia. Also, like Matt said it is interesting how childhood experiences can determine the way a person acts as an adult. This is revolutionary and it is no surprise that this was controversial at the time. This is a great example of the new way of thinking that was adopted at this time.

  4. My opinion on this subject is that any person can take it any which way they would like. It could be a crazy guy coming up with a bunch of hoopla to get himself recognized or he could have a striking point that some people take notice of. It’s too far back for any of us to remember the first couple stages like the oral, anal and phallic stage. If we maybe did act in any of these ways that Freud has thought of, we may have no idea. It is just too early and our brains were not as developed as they are now to remember. This made me however, think of an interesting point that you do hear often: momma’s boy or daddy’s girl. These terms are used quite often to describe a child who has a better liking for that particular parent. In this case it is the parent of the opposite sex just like Freud describes in the phallic stage. He says that the child will become attracted in a way to their mother or father and have thoughts of killing the same sex parent out of envy of them. I would like to use the word disturbing that Chris used before. It is the perfect word to describe all of this. The Oedipus complex is a topic we are all familiar with because of Mr. McCarthy’s class. The thought that anyone could actually have serious thoughts about that is seriously grotesque. Oedipus killed his father and laid in incest with his mother. To think that this could have been something people actually exhibit signs of is alarming to say the least. To think about the anal stage making a person extremely neat or messy when they are older is also interesting. Everyone is either a neat freak or a messy person. You either have that mother who is extremely neat and tidy or that sister or brother that could walk out of there room and smells that make you cringe could come out or it could look like a tornado hit. Freud providing examples and explanations for this make me think a lot more about everything.

  5. There is actually an episode of Law & Order: SVU which centers around the phallic stage. The girl was experiencing the electra complex, meaning she was attracted to her father and extremely jealous of her mother. She was so competitive with her mother that she actually killed her, eliminating the competition, thinking it would bring her closer to her father. I don't think that Freud is a complete nut job, I think that he took this idea about personality and really defined it. I'm sure it's not perfect but he has some really good points, like the different stages, different types of personality. Now society can understand that, for example, people who are anal retentive have a reason behind it and it's not just because they're crazy and different. ( I do agree that this video was terribly upsetting )

  6. To begin, I would like to agree with Chris on this video and say that it is very disturbing. We all think of our childhoods as the best parts of out lives, but we never true look as deep into them a Freud did. In general, I think Freud did have some validity to his research because developing personalities do change very much and what a person experiences during childhood essentially stays with them throughout their adult life. After watching this video, I want to make a connection between current developmental theories and Freud’s theories. Through his research it seems that Freud has backed up the fact that a child’s environment has one of the biggest effects on his or her personality. A child usually sets his or her parents as a model of the right things to do in life. If this model is negative from the beginning then the child will turn out bad and ill-suited for life. For example, the child that is anally retentive probably had parents or relatives that had the same condition and thus the child copied his relative or relatives and set their behavior as a model. In essence Freud delves a little deeper into the subconscious of the child through his research, but this theme that environment effects life is prevalent throughout all of his work.

  7. Humans are pleasure seekers. Freud points it out plan and clear here. We look for it in any way possible to help ourselves feel good whether that be in a sexual way or simply teething as a child to make ourselves feel better. I am sure everyone can look back on their lives and point out a few times where they saw themselves go through one of these stage changes. Whether that is when you found out that cooties were in fact not real and did not need a shot so you started to like the opposite sex or that period where high school rolled around and feelings started to become more intimate than just a hug. It happens with everyone sooner or later and this video made me realize the explanations that have been right in front of my nose this whole time. This genital stage develops a human and their mental characteristics.

  8. On a second note, I wanted to further discuss Freud’s research about the third state of psychosexual development, spanning the ages of three to six years, wherein the child's genitalia are his or her primary erogenous zone. In this stage psychological defenses develop which provide transitory resolutions of the conflict between the drives of the Id and the drives of the Ego. The first defense mechanism is repression, the blocking of memories, emotional impulses, and ideas from the conscious mind. This method is good, yet it does not resolve the Id/Ego conflict. The second defense mechanism is Identification, by which the child incorporates, to his or her ego, the personality characteristics of the same-sex parent. the boy diminishes his castration anxiety, because his likeness to father protects him from father's wrath as a rival for mother; by so adapting, the girl facilitates identifying with mother, who understands that, in being females, neither of them possesses a penis, and thus they are not antagonists. These two defense mechanisms are crazy to think about, but they seem to be true because eventually children get through the phallic state of development and begin to love their parents equally instead of expressing the oedipal complex or the Electra complex. In essence, I found these defense methods interesting and they finally explained to me how a child can move past the phallic stage of psychosexual development, which is, by far, the creepiest of all the sections of psychosexual development.

  9. I agree with Jeff, he's right, at some point, all of us could admit that we have gone through at least one of the listed stages. I thought that it was interesting that focusing on one stage throughout life could lead to certain habits in your adult life. For example, becoming a chain smoker because you are stuck in the oral stage of your life. Although the phallic stage, as the Financial Guru above me stated, is the creepiest, it is also the psychosexual stage that takes place subconsciously. I found this to be exceptionally interesting that humans have a tendency to believe certain concepts, without actually thinking about the concepts. For example, females being "penis envy" of a male probably isn't something that most women wouldn't actually be. This is a function that is completely run by the mind, and is out of the conscious mind's control.

  10. ….well, I certainly didn’t expect that. To begin, I agree with Chris 10000% in regards to how disturbing this video is. However, there are certain elements that are undeniably truthful and it is easy to see why Freud is redefined intellectual thought. Avary did an amazing job at outlining Freud’s stages of psychosexual development. I would like to begin discussing what I found to be the most unsettling: The Phallic Stage.

    The Phallic Stage, as Avary outlined, is the stage in psychosexual development that occurs between the ages of about 3 to 6. During this stage, Freud believed that children developed sexual feelings and desires for their parent of the opposite sex. This includes the Oedipal Complex for boys and the Electra Complex for girls.

    The whole idea of the Oedipal Complex is drastic and definitely unsettling. The idea assumes a romantic aura; the boy battling his rival for the love of the woman he desires… who just so happens to be his mom. Yes, it’s weird. BUT it makes sense, and here’s why. In my research, I found that this theory has some basis to it. The boys certainly have deep, loving feelings for their mother because that is the first relationship every established in life. The relationship between a mother and child, specifically a boy, is crucial in development as well. Naturally, the boy will feel romantic, sexual tendencies for his mother because she is the first woman he has strong feelings for and spends excessive time with. However, I think these feelings are a little diluted.

    I think I was most taken back by the age range that this stage accompanies. Personally, I do not believe that it is this young and if it is, it is certainly not conscious. I agree with Freud about the unconscious element, yet I don’t believe boys at age 3 or 4 minds are even developed enough for this. They have mastered walking and are well on their way to understanding language in all its forms. I think a little more maturation is needed.

    In regards to the Electra Complex, I don’t think it holds as much truth as the Oedipal Complex. The girls aren’t experiencing the same nurturing connecting with their fathers, and the whole “Penis Envy” thing is pretty insane. I strongly disagree because there is no way that girls at that age know about the reproductive system or men. There is no way they would develop these thoughts so young. Little girls just learning to read doesn’t think about the penis as the dominant sex organ – I just don’t buy it. I do believe though that their father directly influences her perception of men and the way males are supposed to treat females ← little bit of John Mayer’s “Daughters” there. I don’t know, I have a hard time seeing kindergarteners having such intense sexual tendencies. There just too innocent looking.

  11. Sweet reference, Jeff! The senior class has been bombarded with lectures on the Oedipal Complex. The story of Oedipus highlights one unique aspect of Freud’s theory that legit scares me. That is the fact that we really do not understand ourselves. Oedipus had no idea what he had done, yet the desires still were there and Freud says they motivate our actions. I like to be in control, or at least know what motivates me and who I am. Freud is associated with the Enlightenment but his ideas seem to contradict Descartes, “I think therefore I am.” One really cannot be totally certain of his or her own identity. Just as Oedipus unknowingly fumbles with basic statements regarding personal identity, we are blind to our true selves too. There is another world in the subconscious that we, frankly, will never know and what humans fear the most is the thing they cannot see.

  12. To begin, Steph, you can't agree 10,000%..gosh. Also, I don't understand how you can believe how the Oedipal Complex is true, but not the Electra Complex. They are essentially the same thing. You argue that a young girl cannot understand the reproductive system yet, but then again neither can the male. I don't think the video was referring to legit a little girl wanting her father's you-know-what for you-know-what. I think they really just meant that they wanted the special connection to their fathers just as the young boys want a special connection with their mothers. I suppose it's just hard to grasp the concept of the Electra concept because we don't hear about it or read about it as much. That is somewhat understandable. Sophocles and Shakespeare, often wrote about the Oedipus Complex. During their times, male writers were much more common, and they were generally fine with expressing their thoughts and emotions in writing. Contrarily, female writers were uncommon, and they were much more introverted at the time. Therefore, we don't have many writings about Electra complexes and such, and thus the idea has not been spread like the idea of the Oedipus complex has. I hope this makes sense. This is just my opinion.

  13. I like everyone else found this video to be very disturbing. I have watched many of my cousins and children that I babysit grow from babies to young children, unfortunately I had not associated their habits and qualities with the stages of psychosexual development. There are many times when a young child between the years of one and three will suck on their thumb, this usually replaces the binky or pacifier. It is a comforter that children use in order to sooth their mouths from sometimes new teeth coming in or to help them fall asleep. This video allowed me to recognize that when there is child who goes beyond the normal years for using a pacifier that they have not passed through their oral stage. While no mother or father wants their children to be abnormal, if a five year old is still sucking on their thumb than they have not passed through their oral stage in order to develop in a timely order. Yet this video also made me think of the children that cry for their mothers due to them leaving. In my experience with the five boys that i watch, each of them had thrown tantrums due to their mother's departure from them. This video allowed me to look at their mother as a self-soother, her presence and their attachment to her being so strong and necessary to the child in order for him/her to feel safe and secure. This then leads me to question if their tantrums were caused as an intro into the phallic stage, being as they still need a soother but are beginning to have their mother become a necessity. As many have referred to Oedipus and the Oedipus complex, the desire and wanting that a boy craves for his mother becomes apparent in the drama of Oedipus Rex. Yet what creates an even bigger disturbance to me is that as young girls usually refer to themselves as "Daddy's little girl," this statement shows the subconscious thoughts of young girls wanting their father and looking at their mother as a threat to their chance of obtaining that relationship with their father. If a woman states that she will always be daddy's little girl, does that subconsciously mean that she has not yet gotten over her desire for her father, and furthermore does it create an even stronger urge to be with her father since she has entered and become aware of the pleasures in the genital stage? This poses as a very deep and disturbing thought. If you were to ask any normal individual if they were sexually driven to one of their parents, they would think of the idea as a grotesque and abnormal idea, yet Freud claims that we have all gone through this stage and it has led us to the state we are in now. The psychosexual developments show us how we grow sexually as individuals through our different stages of comfort. Freud’s analysis of our growth in sexual pleasures bring me to question what else causes humans to gain pleasure, happiness, or comfort in things that they do or like, such as music, sports, reading. Do we go through stages that allow us to gain pleasure out of activities and other aspects of life?

  14. Well I read all of your posts before i watched the video or even researched this at all... and you guys were right. This was quite disturbing for me as now when i look at a child i will look for signs of their development. As stated, there are 5 major stages being oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital. A very interesting topic is libidal energy. It is a term used to describe the psychic energy produced by the libido. It shifts its focus several times in ones life. This energy is harnessed towards a sex drive but not during the latency period. During this period sex drive is dormant and the energy is redirected towards school, athletics, and same sex friendships. This lasts only until puberty when the sex drive is at its highest.
