Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Id, Ego, Superego (old school video)


  1. The first video told about how the ego is the things we think on the outside. Then there are the id and superego who want to ether make the wrong decision, id, and then the right decision, superego.
    This link was useful to give a better understanding of the id, ego and superego. It goes and relates the id to a baby who wants to have the gratification of what he wants and nothing else. Then it relates it to the child in a candy store and he might be tempted to steal the chocolate bar whenever he wants. The ego goes and is explained by a how the persons urge is replaced by actually getting the thing in need. For example if someone is thirsty they would go and try to find a water fountain to quench their thirst. As time goes on they remember where things are and what to do to satisfy an urge. Superego is when you stop yourself from stealing the candy bar.

  2. Sigmund Freud believed that a human's personality is made up of three main parts. The Id, the ego and the Superego.

    Freud believed that the Id was the only part that of the personality that is with you from birth. The id he thought was completly unconcious. The Id is believed to be ruled by pleasure, which works to give satisfaction to all of our wants, needs and desires. If we dont follow our Id and are needs and wants are not satisfied, we end up filled with anxiety or tension.

    Freud believed that the Ego delt with reality. The ego works together with the Id in the way that it works to solve and get what the Id wants and needs in realistic ways. The ego is what keeps things in check by going through the pros and cons basically of what the Id wants. Eventually the Ids needs are satisfied by appropriate means. Freud also believed that the Ego could help deal with the tension caused by the unmet needs of the Id.

    Freud believed that the Superego was the right and wrond part of the personality. The part in us that gave us the sense of morals and our decisions. Freud believed that the Superego gave guidelines for our decisions and that it began to kick in at the age of five. There are two parts of the Superego:

    The ego ideal- which contains the rules for good behavior

    The conscience- which contains information on whats bad behavior and bad to do

    The superego is what helps to keep our behavior on track.

    Freud believer that these three things made up our personality while working together to create our human like behaivor. A good balance between the three things make for a good and healthy personality.

  3. Id, ego, and superego all seem very complex underneath the surface. It is hard to believe that inside or minds, we have conflicting forces that often alter our decisions and choices in life, whether they are good or bad for us. Ego is described in the video as the unconscious force that is required to meet the demands of both the id and the superego. The ego is revolves more around the world of reality, while the id and superego are often opposing forces that can cause us to alter the choices we make. I found the link that David provided to be very helpful in simplifying the understating of the id, ego and superego. When we are about to choose to make a decision, there is usually a good choice and a bad choice that we can make. Some choices are more realistic than others, which is when ego comes in to try and convince us to make the most realistic choice for us. The id is more basic and solely wants to seek pleasure in any way possible. The ego takes what the id is seeking and tries to find ways to gain that pleasure in realistic ways. The superego seems the most complex, for it takes the ideas and thoughts we have developed from our parents, and even from within society, and applies it to the situation we are in. The superego tries to suppress the id’s overall desires, and also tries to alter the way the ego is trying to gain pleasure realistically.

  4. The Id is the oldest, most primal, and most fundamental part of our mind. It is emotional, irrational, demanding, and strong. The Id is ruled by the pleasure principle, which is only concerned about immediate self-gratification. It does not care about others. A new baby is filled with Id.
    The Ego is the rational part of our mind. The Ego teaches the child that it is often unwise and there are consequences if he cannot learn to delay his gratification. The Ego is ruled by the reality principle and is very practical about life.
    The Superego is the moral part of the mind and represents societal and parental values. Its ideals are the rules or standards for what constitutes good or appropriate behavior.
    The internal struggles between the Id and the Superego determine the type of person you are.

  5. It is interesting to compare to the relationships between the id, ego, and superego, to that of the lower, middle, and upper classes of society. The lower class is often faced with poverty and famine, and their main concern is surviving. They are driven by their natural instincts to find food, water, and shelter, just like the id contains the most primal instincts of the human mind. The middle class is where most of the liberal and nationalistic uprisings began as they sought for morality, goodness, and their natural rights. As the ego acts to comply with the id’s desires in a rational and realistic way, the middle class works to improve life through, although not always, democracy, and helps the lower class achieve their rights through a reasonable manner (for example, the middle class from many countries put down the socialist uprisings from the lower class because they believed violence wasn’t reasonable, and there problems could be solved peacefully). Finally, the upper class is the most powerful and, usually, the most educated class that holds authority over the other two. The website Chris posted under the topic of dream interpretation describes the super ego as “a highly controlling and anxious entity that seeks to act in a socially acceptable manner.” The upper class does its best to control the lower classes and form them into something they believe to be socially acceptable in their eyes. This also brings to mind the stereotypical wealthy person who acts in away only to fit in and not necessarily to do what it wants.

    Freud said these three parts of the mind are always at war with each other, just as civil unrest occurs all over history. Also, as Mike said, the conflict between the three areas constitutes personality, and the conflict between the social classes determines how the country is governed. The workings of society ultimately stem from what goes on in a person’s mind, which in turn develops the relationships people have with others.

    1. Jackie, your comparison of the id/ego/superego to society's social classes was absolutely awesome! I agree with you entirely.

    This video is one that shows how id and superego are always battling each other and they will never stop. It shows how the struggle for dominance in their instance is hard to come by because of how they both show how they can be over powering to the other at times.
    This one has the use of Lego’s and shows the actions that are good and bad. They show bad with the Lego man that gets the mail because he sees that the pilot is in trouble and doesn’t help (id). Then there is another Lego man who goes to the plane and enacts the Chuck Norris effect where he goes to save him (superego). Then the last Lego man sees the burning plane and the pilot inside and decides to get a fire hose and put out the fire and save the man (ego). This depicts the actions that would be taken by all three of the different reactions.

  7. In this post I would like to discuss a topographical model that I found based on the conscious, preconscious, and subconscious mind. Freud believed that the majority of what we experience in our lives, the underlying emotions, beliefs, feelings, and impulses are not available to us at a conscious level. He believed that most of what drives us is buried in our unconscious. If you remember the Oedipus and Electra complex, they were both pushed down into the unconscious, out of our awareness due to the extreme anxiety they caused. While buried there, however, they continue to impact us dramatically, according to Freud. The role of the unconscious is only one part of the model. Freud also believed that everything we are aware of is stored in our conscious. Our conscious makes up a very small part of who we are. In other words, at any given time, we are only aware of a very small part of what makes up our personality; most of what we are is buried and inaccessible. This is very interesting to think about because we, as people mostly think that what we see is real and everything else can be questioned. Freud challenges this idea and tells us that most of the information in our heads is locked form us in the preconscious and the subconscious. In essence the final part of the mind puzzle is the preconscious or subconscious. This is the part of us that we can access if prompted, but is not in our active conscious. It’s right below the surface, but still buried somewhat unless we search for it. Information such as our telephone number, some childhood memories, or the name of your best childhood friend is stored in the preconscious. Thus, this Freudian theory represents an iceberg, where the vast majority is buried beneath the water's surface. The water, by the way, would represent everything that we are not aware of, have not experienced, and that has not been integrated into our personalities, referred to as the nonconscious. Here is a picture of it!!!!

  8. To think that there are forces that goes on our our minds that we are unaware of staggers me a bit. What i couldn't help but notice was that the 'super ego' was based on societies perception on morality, not of our own established perspective. That being said, who's to say the 'super ego' is really what's right for us (this is coming out of Nietzsche's ideas, once again.) I guess what i'm trying to say is, the aspects of our minds and Frued's words themsleves could be doubted if he is saying that society truly shapes our personality.

    That being said, does 'personality' exist or are we just a mirror of society, or societies creation? Where does individualism lay? It's thinking like this that causes such a sir in society not because they are revolutionary, but because they challenge the social normality of how things work. What humans fear most is the unknown, and what we have known is probably wrong-in Frued's universe. Morality, humanity's creation to keep things in check.

  9. These ideas Freud has commented on our indeed a curious matter. Humanity has been shaped by our own minds and history has been altered by these simple aspects of our being. I can't help but think that humanity at this time has just begun to scrape the tip of the understanding of the universe and all that makes up it and our being.

    Maybe a higher being is at work, a force or an entity that connects all of us in one universe (this might sound crazy, but isn't that what higher thinking is all about? Thinking radically like Freud or Nietzsche). THere may be more than what we understand, and perhaps that is what our minds are keeping a secret as Freud mentions in his dream theory. Freud has introduced a new universe where humans are not the dominating force, rather a product of it. One can go as far to say that we are mere puppets enslaved to our own establishment of reasoning and our own creation of what is right and wrong.

    Thinking about this hurts my head a bit, but it is something that challenges what we know about the universe and what is really at work. God, Heaven, Hell, all that stuff is being called out by thinkers like Freud.

  10. Those videos are so interesting and so dang true. The id and super ego are exactly like having a devil and angel on your shoulders, trying to affect your decision, like in movies and television shows. We've all seen the devil and angel a thousand times, so it's kind of weird hearing it and seeing it in an intellectual way like this. We're used to seeing it as a silly cartoon-ish thing but we (or at least I) never actually think about how true it actually is. Ego is what everyone else sees. It is the part of Naz that I see, the part of Steph that I see, the part of Mike Hong that I see. But there are two more dimensions to Naz, Steph, and Mike Hong that I don't see. I don't see their Id and I don't see their Superego. It is possible that they have similar Superegos because they live in similar environments and come in contact with the same people everyday. They can be affected very similarly by society and its own wants and needs. Their Superegos could vary, however, because they have different life at home with different standards and morals. Naz, Steph and Mike's last dimension that I do not see is their Id. I do not know what ugly thoughts they have, and I'm glad that they have strong enough Egos and Superegos to control them, because I think things would be much different if they didn't. Some people like to lean towards different sides of the spectrum. You can tell in our school, and even just in society in general just by observing, what people follow their Ids most and what people follow their Superegos most...then sometimes maybe the introverted people are the ones who cannot decide which to follow, so they just keep to themselves. It's really interesting to think about. <<Sigmund Freud in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure at 2:22

  11. Freud’s division of the mind into the ID, EGO and SUPEREGO is one of his psychology’s most famous tenets. Everyone already did a swelly job out outlining the three, so I wont go into that. However, I was really intrigued about Mike and Jackie’s discussion about the role of the three in shaping personality and creating personal identity. I was thinking about Nietzsche when I read them; Just think, if society adopted Nietzsche’s revaluation of moral values and changed them so that they reflect a more heroic existence, the whole dynamics of the mind would change. The superego would have an entirely different composition. This would, in turn, affect the compromises made by the ego and change personality.
    I also liked what Becky mentioned about how we can observe the different relationships of the three in others. The balance falls somewhere on a vast spectrum, but it is obvious when one, specifically the ID, dominates the other. There would certainly be an identity crisis or inner frustration when the superego and id are so very different from each other, and the ego’s sense of balance doesn’t satisfy either. For example, you were taught at home that a certain behavior was okay, while society told you otherwise. How would that affect personality, and how would you find a sense of balance?

    *This video is great! It talks about the evolution of civilization and how it parallels the development of each division. It also delves into the role of religion within the psyche and how eventually, as Nietzsche said, God will be “DEAD.”


  12. The id, ego, and superego to me are like government branches in democracy. Each one has their own ideas that they feel passionately about, but they don't always weigh the risks of their decisions. Each aspect balances the others out. The id and the superego are the more radical parts, and the ego balances everything out. A good way to describe it is that the id is liberal, while the superego is conservative. the two combined makes the ego. I think it's fair to say that according to Freud's ideas, everyone has their own government working inside their head, working together to decide on matters.

  13. I believe that Freud's theories regarding ID, ego, and superego represent evolution. ID is the primal instincts of man which was needed in order to survive in primal times. Then with formation of society came ego. Ego was a conscious concern with morality and this was needed for a society to work. Then finally came the superego thought, which was a censor for ID. It was responsible for enforcing the moral codes. The path from ID to superego is a representation of the coming along of society. From primal insticts dominating thought to moral code and its enforcement. Also, Nietzsche's principles were present in my further research. His claims of moral code being a man made ideal are validated by the theories of Freud. Also, we can tell that Nietzsche is a man dominated by ID due to his disrespect for those who hold marality in such high regards.

  14. I want to talk about the effect these three parts of the pysche have on the human being. After watching the videos, I got to thinking how you can observe each part truly being put to work. For example, you look at someone who constantly does the right thing. In that case, you can say their superego has a stronger effect on them. Then you look at someone who is always in trouble. We've all seen someone at some point in our life who seems to always find themselves in the principal's office or getting written up. Those people probably are being more effected by the id and are not so much concerned with what is right or wrong, they just want immediate satisfaction. Then you've got someone who is a little bit of both, which would mean their ego plays a big role. This topic really interests me because it makes you look at yourself and question what kind of person oyu are and what is really going on in your head. It's fun to question exactly how the mind works. Another part I wonder about is how much control a person has over these matters. Can someone decide which part has the most control? Or are we just powerless to decide what our personalities will shape themselves up to be?

  15. I tend to agree with Alex's comparison of the id, ego, and super ego to a democratic triumverent where each branch has an agenda to complete while simultaneously working towards a common goal. Just as in the government there is sometimes cooperation, however usually there is a direct competition between the id and super ego as their views are constantly at odds. The id is extremely compulsive and irrational as it takes no time to commit to a decision. This is often that "gut feeling" people talk about having to go against. The thing that makes them work past it is the super ego. This is a cold extrememly calculating aspect of your mind that often over thinks and analyzes the situation. Think of it as the id being a unbalanced senate that will pass bills and legislature at the drop of a hat, while the super ego is the judicial branch tasked with analyzing everything ever thought of and analyze it down to the most minute detail. Then there is the president the ego. The ego is responsible for weighing the options of both sides and coming to a comprimise or side with one side or the other. Every human has an intricate process going on every second in their head as they make decisions based on these split second "tie-breakers" made by the ego.

  16. I want to take this time to comment on how it seems as though the mind has evolved, and the effects it seems to have on the individual as a whole. The id is the oldest most primal aspect of the mind, this was what our ancestors used in order to survive in the world they lived in. It is that animal instinct people rely on in life or death situations. However as time progressed and the neeed for more inteiligence and a deeper thought process was needed, the super ego developed in an attempt to balance out the effects of the id. However the constant struggle between id an super ego obviously waranted the development of a third body in which each side would be taken into consideration. This diliberate development of specialized functions has helped man ascend to the pinacle of greatness we as a species have acheived in our short time. Its an almost darwinian effect on the mind.
